You might not think much about how your air conditioner functions, but it requires refrigerant to keep your residence cool. This refrigerant is controlled by environmental regulation, since it contains chemicals.

Subject to when your air conditioner was installed, it may require R-22, R-410A or R-32 refrigerant. We’ll discuss the differences and which air conditioner refrigerants are being phased out in Port Clinton, in addition to how these phaseouts impact you.

What’s R-22 and Why Is It No Longer Being Made?

If your air conditioner was installed before 2010, it possibly has Freon®. You can find out if your air conditioner contains it by contacting us at 419-465-8722. You can also examine the name plate on your air conditioner condenser, which is located outside your home. This sticker will contain information on what kind of refrigerant your AC has.

Freon, which is also known as R-22, includes chlorine. Scientists consider Freon to be bad for the earth’s ozone layer and one that results in global warming. The Environmental Protection Agency, which manages refrigerants in the United States, banned its creation and import in January 2020.

Should I Replace My R-22 Air Conditioner?

It depends. If your air conditioning is cooling properly, you can continue to keep it. With routine air conditioner maintenance, you can expect your AC to work around 15–20 years. However, the Department of Energy notes that replacing a 10-year-old air conditioner could save