A Honeywell smart thermostat is an excellent way to better manage how you use your heating and cooling. But like any utility, you might sometimes experience a problem. With its digital display, Honeywell smart thermostats can display an error code that professional technicians use to figure out what's happening. Here are several of the most common error codes you could see on your Honeywell smart thermostat.
Honeywell Error Code e42
You can see this error code if your home’s Wi-Fi connection did not present an IP address for the thermostat to hook up to. This can occur if the router fails to complete the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or DHCP. This procedure automatically sends out the required IP address for your thermostat to connect.
How to Fix Honeywell Thermostat Error e42
You can resolve error code e42 by confirming that your router is enabled for DHCP. When it does, you might also have to power cycle the router and perform the setup process again with the thermostat. Doing so should ensure the DHCP is sent and connects to your smart thermostat.